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Calming and Insightful Crystals

Posted by Raven Crystals on 5/20/2020 to Crystal Healing Tools
Calming and Insightful Crystals

Over the past few weeks, while  "staying-safer-at-home" and experiencing new world pandemic lifestyle, my energies, thoughts, and "triggered" behavior patterns have forced me to anxiously move from a state of "survival" to a more hopeful, sustainable, and calming "it will be okay" vibe. Our neighborhood parks and local hiking trails were closed for a period of time, so no mental health miles running on the dirt and out in nature. I had to find positive ways to release my stress and anxiety. Shopping and dealing with people at the grocery store freaked me out a bit and motivated me to get the garden cleaned out and planted with food (just in case - who knows?.....) I have been working (a lot) in the backyard garden. Digging deep and getting dirty. Trying to R-E-L-A-X. Growing tasty veggies and herbs. Grieving. Wondering and praying. WTF. Started to create and build a labyrinth. Dealing with the "drama" in the garden caused by a plethora of earwigs and gophers (not helpful in relaxing.) 1st year planting lettuce, definitely beginner’s luck with a big green payout. These are Salad Days.

Organic Lettuce

I find myself, more than ever, reaching for the crystals seeking some stability, grounding, stress relief, energetic comfort, inspiration, and support. The crystals are something tangible I can hold onto while everything continues to spin in this weird badly written surreal Sci-Fi movie called "WTF?!? Covid-19".

Keep the Vibe High is my mode of operandi. The every day energetic focus for me is to stay in the present moment and cultivate joyful energetic vibrations that help to “lighten the load” when responsibilities and situations seem a bit overwhelming. I appreciate the crystalline support for helping me release dark thoughts, feelings of depression and anxiety, letting go of fears and built up tension, as a reminder to be gentle with myself and others, and useful for up-cycling any negative vibe into a positive, energetic and encouraging outlook. In my experience, I find it is very beneficial to slooooowwww it all down when things appear to be happening too quickly, or I feel unprepared, or powerless to deal with circumstances seemingly out of my control.


Here are few crystal suggestions to slow it down, get some clarity, and create a positive mindset and openness to experience life with more of a trusting and long-term overall perspective. Take a few moments, sit (or garden) with the crystals, and meditate...............Wheeeeeew...... much better.




Attracted by its flash of colorful Iridescence, Labradorite will lure you in by the energetic light show and keep you close with the deeper insights provided by this mystical stone. Labradorite instills a greater degree of self-trust when it comes to making the right decisions. Smart decisions provides the energetic direction to positively move forward with action. Labradorite offers supportive energies to persevere through the long haul and to trust in the positive outcome of all situations. Labradorite energetically supports insight and a sense of "knowing" that you are in the right place at the right time. Divine Timing.  Wearing or carrying Labradorite may increase your awareness of "magic” synchronicity and serendipity that occur in life. Labradorite protects and removes negative energy from the aura and keeps the aura clear and balanced. Labradorite banishes fears, insecurities, removes psychic debris from previous disappointments and strengthens faith and trust in the universe. Labradorite calms overactive minds, energizes the imagination with new ideas.




Calming and energetically soothing for the whole body, Kyanite is a wonderful crystal tool for support during the “long haul.” Kyanite resonates with a stimulating vibration that provides the energy to persevere and continue to move through whatever challenges come across your path.  Kyanite aligns the chakras and subtle bodies, clearing pathways and meridians. Accessing and creating a greater awareness of self and others, Kyanite energetically facilitates the recognition of “triggered” behavior patterns and helps with the release of anger, stress, and frustration. Kyanite aids one in seeing what gifts, interests, and skills they have to offer others. Kyanite enhances communication and understanding allowing for better decision making, clarity and insight, and dispels confusion.




With its gentle energies, Chrysocolla may be the perfect crystal tool for understanding and accepting uncertain situations. Chrysocolla energetically increases vitality levels and invokes the connection to a greater inner strength and feelings of serenity regardless of outcome. Chrysocolla’s blue-green color vibe provides loving energies for a healthy heart space and generates feelings of gratitude and the appreciation of the “little things” and meaningful exchanges rather the focus on material gains and stuff. This tranquil and sustaining crystal, Chrysocolla, resonates with calming energies that may be helpful in releasing negative destructive emotional programming, attachments, and feelings of guilt. A crystal tool for communication, Chrysocolla provides an energetic platform for flowing conversation. Aligning with the throat chakra, Chrysocolla offers the opportunity to be thoughtful and to speak with honesty. Chrysocolla facilitates the communication with the inner self - honesty in emotions, feelings, thoughts and is supportive for relationships.


Selenite Towers


Translucent Selenite has a very fine high vibration and may be considered as a “bridging stone” with its grounding and light body activation vibration. Selenite’s vibration energetically brings one to the space between light and matter – a place of Oneness and manifestation for the highest good. Selenite brings clarity of mind, opening the crown and higher crown chakras and helps to connect one with their angelic and spirit guides for insight and guidance. Selenite clears confusion and is a powerful crystal tool for the stabilization of erratic emotions. Selenite helps one bring their focus on keeping it simple and just Be-ing. Selenite supports flexibility and gives one strength and clarity when making decisions. Selenite aids in overcoming stagnation in one’s life. Selenite allows one to be aware of the smaller details, as well as, the overall, bigger picture of a situation or opportunity. The energy of Selenite combines well with almost any stone or with a combination of stones. Selenite energetically cleanses, supports and amplifies other crystal vibrations and healing intentions.
