Beautiful blue polished Kyanite specimens from India. Blue Kyanite is a stone of connection creating energetic pathways for emotions, mental
activities, and learning experiences while assisting in communication between
disharmonious groups and people. Blue Kyanite strengthens the voice and is
healing for the throat and the larynx. Blue Kyanite is a useful crystal tool for
performers and public speakers.
Kyanite does not hold negativity and does not
require cleaning or clearing. Kyanite is a wonderful crystal tool for attunement and meditation. Blue Kyanite amplifies high frequency
energies, stimulating psychic abilities, intuition, and enhances one's ability
to download information from higher sources. Kyanite crystal connects to spirit
guides and instills compassion, grounding spiritual vibrations, and brings
spiritual integrity and maturation. Kyanite aids one in seeing what gifts,
interests, and skills they have to offer others. Blue Kyanite may also facilitate dream
recall and promote healing dreams. Kyanite is helpful to those making
transition through death. It instantly aligns the chakras and subtle bodies,
clearing pathways and meridians. Kyanite slices through confusion, dispels
blockages, illusion, anger, frustration and stress.
In healing, Kyanite
is a natural pain reliever and assists nerves and tissues heal energetically
and physically from trauma. Kyanite lowers blood pressure and heals infections.
Kyanite may be helpful during treatments for muscular disorders, fevers, the
urogenital system, thyroid and parathyroid, adrenal glands, throat, and brain. Kyanite
releases excess weight, supports the cerebellum and the motor responses of the
body. Kyanite helps to balance the yin-yang energy.
.3oz+/ 9g+ 1.5"+/ 38mm + 1 piece $4.00