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Crystal Points

Crystal Points

Crystal point configuration occurs when facets come together and form a physical tip at the end of a crystal. Crystal point configuration provides focus for energy that is invigorating, re-balancing, and protective. The crystal point configuration enhances the metaphysical and healing properties of the source crystal. A crystal point is a powerful crystal tool. When placed facing away, the crystal point directs energy outward. When the point is placed facing inward, the crystal focuses the energy inward. Crystal point configuration represents the chakra system with the tip of the point connecting the crown chakra with divine source and the base of the crystal providing a foundation for grounding. 

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Amethyst Quartz Polished Wand
Amethyst Quartz Polished Wand
Gorgeous violet purple Amethyst Polished Wand
Pineapple Quartz Crystals
Pineapple Quartz Crystals
Milky, creamy white with honey tinge colored natural Pineapple Quartz crystals from Madagascar, Africa.
Amethyst Quartz Crystal Points
Amethyst Quartz Crystal Points
Lovely with violet translucent colored tips Amethyst Quartz crystal points from Brazil.
Fenster Quartz Crystals
Fenster Quartz Crystals
Gorgeous translucent with interior reflective veils Fenster Quartz Crystals from San Luis Potosi, Mexico.
Small Lemurian Quartz Crystal Laser Wands
Small Lemurian Quartz Crystal Laser Wands
Amazing Small Lemurian Quartz Crystal Laser Wands from Minas Gerais, Brazil.
Orange Calcite Free Form Flame Carving
Orange Calcite Free Form Flame Carving
Sweet peachy-orange colored Calcite Free Form Flame Carving from Mexico.
Clear Arkansas Quartz Crystal Point
Clear Arkansas Quartz Crystal Point
Beautiful, icy clear translucent Quartz Crystal Record Keeper Point from Arkansas, USA.
Top Polished Fluorite Point
Top Polished Fluorite Point
Stunning translucent green with purple wispy bands of colors rainbow top polished Fluorite crystal point.
Tiger Iron Polished Point
Tiger Iron Polished Point
Stunning Tiger Iron polished free form point with beautifully naturally colored banded patterns of sedimentary deposits from South Africa.
Natural Smoky Quartz Crystal Points
Natural Smoky Quartz Crystal Points
Natural translucent brown cola colored Smoky Quartz Crystal Points from Zambia, Africa.
Natural Amethyst Crystal Points with Calcite
Natural Amethyst Crystal Points with Calcite
Gorgeous dark grape purple colored natural Amethyst Quartz Crystal Points with a surface dusting of white Calcite from Brazil
Chlorite Quartz Natural Crystal Points
Chlorite Quartz Natural Crystal Points
Interesting looking Natural Quartz Crystal Points frosted with butterscotch colored Chlorite from the Sweet Surrender Mine in the Ouachita Mountain area of Arkansas, USA.
Natural Black Smoky Quartz Crystal Points
Natural Black Smoky Quartz Crystal Points
Natural Black Smoky Quartz Crystal Points from Madagascar, Africa.
Black Coral, Black Tourmaline, Picture Jasper, and Quartz Crystal Points ChandaLehr
Black Coral, Black Tourmaline, Picture Jasper, and Quartz Crystal Points ChandaLehr
Black Coral, Black Tourmaline, Picture Jasper, and Quartz Crystal Points ChandaLehr
Chrysoprase Polished Tower
Chrysoprase Polished Tower
Beautiful mint green and chocolate brown patterned Chrysoprase polished tower from Ambatondrazaka, Madagascar, Africa.
Top Polished Cathedral Amethyst Point
Top Polished Cathedral Amethyst Point
Spectacular pale violet-gray top polished Amethyst Cathedral point from Brazil.
Chevron Amethyst Rough Points
Chevron Amethyst Rough Points
Beautiful natural Chevron Amethyst rough crystal points with bands of purple, white, and grey from Brazil.
Rose Quartz Crystal Point
Rose Quartz Crystal Point
Stunning soft pink colored Rose Quartz semi-translucent top polished crystal point from Brazil.
Sodalite Polished Pendants
Sodalite Polished Pendants
Dark blue Sodalite polished double terminated point pendants wire wrapped in copper on black braided cord from Zambia, Africa.
Lemurian Quartz Natural Crystal Points
Lemurian Quartz Natural Crystal Points
Natural small sized Lemurian Quartz Crystal Points from Minas Gerais, Brazil
Apophyllite Twin Pyramid Crystal
Apophyllite Twin Pyramid Crystal
Beautiful natural Apophyllite twin pyramid crystal with icy clear and reflective veils from India
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