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Tumbled Stones
Tumbled is the term used to refer to stones, crystals, and mineral specimens that have been polished in a large tumbling drum with grit, resulting in a smooth and often shiny crystal.
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Black Hematite Tumbled Stones
Beautiful metallic Black Hematite tumbled stones from India for grounding and protecting.
Amethyst Seer Stones
These beautiful river tumbled Amethyst Seer Stones from Brazil have lavender polished flat surfaces with frosty white on the sides.
Red Jasper Tumbled Stones
Gorgeous brick red colored Red Jasper tumbled stones
Labradorite Tumbled Stones
Spectacular Labradorite tumbled stones with bright flashes of indigo, yellow, green-gold colors from Madagascar, Africa.
White Onyx Tumbled Stones
Beautiful cream-colored white Onyx tumbled stones from India.
Sulphur Tumbled Stones
Pale yellow tumbled Sulphur crystals from Brazil.
Lingam Tumbled Stones
Distinctive bands of chocolate brown and rust color, natural river polished large marble size Lingam tumbled stones from India.
Rose Aura Tumbled Stones
Beautiful iridescent pearly pink Rose Aura Quartz tumbled stones from Brazil.
Carnelian Tumblestones
Gorgeous Carnelian tumblestones from the Sashe River area in Botswana, Africa.
Mtorolite Chrysoprase Polished Stones
Beautiful Mtorolite Chrysoprase palm sized large polished stones with natural crystalline pockets from Zimbabwe, Africa.
Sardonyx Tumbled Stones
Beautiful dynamic patterned black, white, and brown marble sized Sardonyx tumbled stones.
Dalmatian Jasper Tumblestones
Beautiful large size Dalmatian Jasper tumble stones from Chihuahua, Mexico.
Orange Calcite Tumbled Stones
Vibrant pumpkin colored Orange Calcite tumbled stones from Brazil.
Scolecite Tumbled Stones
Beautiful chalky white colored Scolecite tumbled stones from India.
Citrine Quartz Tumbled Stones
Wonderful sunny yellow colored Citrine Quartz Crystal tumbled stones from Brazil.
Picture Jasper Tumbled Stones
Beautiful chocolate brown and pink speckled patterned Japer tumble stones
Snowflake Obsidian Tumbled Stones
Beautiful speckled black and white Snowflake Obsidian tumbled stones from Mexico.
Rainbow Moonstone Tumble Stones
Beautiful Rainbow Moonstone tumble stones with iridescent flashes of color from India. Rainbow Moonstone assists in bringing rainbows and ever present LOVE into one’s life.
Septerye Tumbled Stones
Exotic looking contrasting yellow and brown giraffe skin patterned Septerye tumbled stones from Madagascar, Africa.
Rose Quartz Tumbled Stones
Softly pink colored semi-translucent large marble sized Rose Quartz Crystal tumbled stones from India.
Rose Quartz Tumbled Crystals
Beautiful, natural soft pink colored semi-translucent Rose Quartz large marble sized tumbled stones from India.
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