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Clear Crystals

Posted by Raven Crystals on 10/11/2024 to Crystal Healing Tools
Clear Crystals
Clear crystals allow for the light to shine through resulting in moments of illumination, expansion, and growth.

Arkansas Quartz Crystals

Posted by Raven Crystals on 2/19/2024 to Crystals from Arkansas
Arkansas Quartz Crystals
Quartz Crystal from Arkansas is thought to be on par with the crystals from commercially productive deposits found in Madagascar and Brazil. High-quality quartz veins and crystal pockets in Arkansas may be found in the geographic area of the Ouachita Mountain range.

Wavellite from Arkansas

Posted by Raven Crystals on 10/21/2016 to Crystals from Arkansas
Wavellite from Arkansas
Wavellite from Arkansas energetic vibration is all about showing us the overall “bigger picture” before making a decision. Wavellite provides “all around” information and direction in the completion of tasks or in decision making. Procrastinate no more!