CHAKRA(S): Heart, Throat, Solar Plexus and Brow/Third
ZODIAC: Gemini, Taurus and Virgo
CHARACTERISTICS: Truth, Feminine Energy, and Love
SCIENTIFIC: Chrysocolla forms as botryoidal, radiating
aggregates, or fibrous inter grown in matrix of other minerals such as quartz,
chalcedony, or opal. Chrysocolla also forms as an oxidized decomposition
mineral of copper. Chrysocolla’s hardness is rated at 2.5 to 3 on the Mohs
scale of mineral hardness. Chrysocolla is translucent with an oily to vitreous luster.
Similar to the material the ancient Greeks used in soldering gold, the name Chrysocolla
comes from the combination of Greek words for gold (chrysos) and glue (kolla.) Chrysocolla
color ranges from beautiful shades of teal blue, green, blue to blackish blue, and
brown. Chrysocolla is found worldwide.
ATTRIBUTES: Chrysocolla is a tranquil and sustaining
stone. Chrysocolla calms, cleanses and re-energizes all the chakras. Aligning with
the energies of divine love, Chrysocolla may be helpful in healing
heartache and increasing feelings of compassion and the capacity to love. Chrysocolla
resonates with the energies of sound – both silent and spoken out loud. Chrysocolla
supports one's intention and the verbal communication of heart truth. With
its gentle energies, Chrysocolla may be the perfect crystal tool for
understanding and accepting uncertain situations. Chrysocolla invokes the
connection to a greater inner strength and feelings of serenity regardless of outcome.
HEALING: Chrysocolla is a supportive stone for women
and may offer relief from symptoms of PMS and menstrual cramps. Chrysocolla treats
arthritis, bone disease, muscle spasms, digestive tract, ulcers, blood
disorders and lung problems. Chrysocolla detoxifies the liver,
kidneys and intestines and re-oxygenates the blood and the cellular structure
of the lungs. Chrysocolla also heals infections especially in the
throat, tonsils, lowers blood pressure and soothes burns. Chrysocolla
regenerates the pancreas, regulates insulin, and balances the blood.
Chrysocolla is a wonderful crystal tool for meditation with
its calming and soothing energies.
Chrysocolla is also a wonderful crystal tool for overcoming
shyness and supportive for public speakers and teachers.
In crystal body layouts or healing grids, when placed at the solar plexus, Chrysocolla draws out negative emotions such as guilt, reverses destructive emotional programming. Chrysocolla is very healing for the throat chakra both physically and energetically supporting one’s spoken truth. Chrysocolla harmonizes and balances the heart chakra and links the energies with throat and base chakra to revitalize one’s life’s passions and physical health.
For Gaia Healing,
Chrysocolla may be placed in an area of Earth energy to draw off negative any energies
replacing and stabilizing the environment with sustainable energies. Chrysocolla’s resonance with earth energies
allows for empathic connection with the environment and devic beings.
The energy of Chrysocolla combines well with other blue and
blue green crystals such as Larimar, Aquamarine, Malachite, Lapis Lazuli, Turquoise,
Cuprite, Shattuckite, Amazonite, Apatite, and Azurite.