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Trilobite Fossils
Trilobite Fossils

Trilobite Fossils

Part Number:TF*090624
Your Price: $3.00


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Dark brown Trilobite (Flexicalymene) Fossil segmented body pieces from Morocco, Africa. Trilobites are the fossilized remains of ancient arthropods who lived at the beginning of the Cambrian to the Permian geologic period over 250 million years ago. Trilobites varied in size from less than an inch to more than 18 inches in length. Trilobites had an external skeletal shell much like today’s beetle species. Trilobites had a three segmented body composed of head, tail, and segmented thorax. Trilobites would roll its exo-skeleton into a ball as a form of protection.

Trilobites may assist one in business endeavors and with the development of skills that promote leadership and management abilities. Trilobites help with manifesting patience and perseverance in conjunction with the development of new ideas and long-term strategies for achieving the end goal. Trilobites foster feelings of self-confidence and success. Trilobites may help us release old paradigms and create the foundation for change. Trilobites offer energetic balance during periods of transition and transformation. Trilobites energetically support balance in life when dealing with unexpected upheavals or because of the long-term accumulation of circumstances.

Trilobite supports the energies associated with “down to earth” practicality and the appropriate usage of available resources. Offering comfort and nurturing energies, Trilobites remind us to be gentle, take care of ourselves, and not to overextend our energies with commitments and resources. Trilobites offer protection and establish a “soft place to land,” creating a calm and home-like environment that may be helpful in reducing the feelings of stress, anxiety, and nervousness.

In healing, Trilobites may be helpful in assisting with disorders with the eyes, aliments of the bones, skeletal system, and may facilitate vitamin assimilation. Trilobites vibrate to the number 2 and energetically align with the astrological sign of Capricorn.

1.4oz+ / 40g+       1.6" x .9"+ / 43mm x 24mm                                 1 piece   $3.00

For more information ~ Fossils and Brown Crystals

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