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Dog Totem Crystal Grid
Dog Totem Crystal Grid

Dog Totem Crystal Grid

Part Number:DTCG*121924
Your Price: $33.00


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Dog Crystal Grid is a unique collection of Reiki attuned crystals gathered to create an energetic grid offering support and healing for personal growth reflecting the changes happening in our lives on all levels spiritually, emotionally, and physically. With the intention of unconditional love, patience and discernment, these special stones offer their energy to transform your challenges into flowing opportunities and brighten your day with some play. As your point of view shifts, these stones may offer you a more intuitive sense of reality. Dog Crystal Grid vibrates in harmony, allowing one to flow in a playful, loving, and trusting balance between the spiritual and the mundane. 

Dog crystal grid has been created with the combined energies of the following crystals:

Sodalite Dog Totem: Loyal and Trustful companion

Dalmatian Jasper: Playfulness and nurtures relationships

Rose Quartz: Unconditional Love and Forgiveness

Smoky Quartz: Protection and Patience

with pouch and original art crystal grid description card      $33.00

Sodalite Dog Totem: Throughout history, the dog has been thought of as a loyal companion to human beings offering protection, trust, and friendship. Dog totem teaches one about compassion and forgiveness with an understanding for human shortcomings. Dog totem also teaches about boundaries and brings to question your sense of loyalty and/or what your needs are regarding the need of approval from others. Dog totem also asks if you have been true and loyal to achieving personal goals. Dog totem teaches us to become our own best friend. Known for his keen ability to smell over long distances and sureness of direction, Dog totem helpfully guides one to find lost objects or places. Due to their sense of compassion and true heart feelings, some cultures think of the Dog as the transitional guide between the stages of life and death, internal darkness and external light, and between the spirit and human worlds. According to the Chinese zodiac calendar, people born in the Year of the Dog are thought to be serious, responsible workers and make great speakers with witty communication skills. A person born under the sign of the Dog often takes up a profession of service supporting others such as a teacher, educator, spiritual advisor or minister, doctor or healer, lawyer or member of the judicial branch, politician, law enforcement or bodyguard, philosopher or writer.

Dalmatian Jasper Tumbled Stone: Dalmatian Jasper energetically strengthens loyalty and nurtures relationships within your family and among your friends. Dalmatian Jasper is a wonderful crystal tool for those who are working with animals. Dalmatian Jasper also offers relief from those who suffer from nightmares, negative thinking, and depression. Dalmatian Jasper elevates your mood by keeping you relaxed and in good spirits.

Rose Quartz Tumbled Stone: Rose Quartz is the stone of unconditional love and infinite peace. Rose Quartz connects to the heart chakra. Rose Quartz is one of the most important crystals for the heart and the heart chakra, teaching the true essence of love. Rose Quartz purifies and opens the heart to support deep inner healing and vibrations of self-love. Rose Quartz is calming, reassuring and excellent for use in trauma or crisis. Rose Quartz is known to attract love and encourage forgiveness, trust, and gratitude. Rose Quartz strengthens empathy and sensitivity and aids the acceptance of necessary change.

Smoky Quartz Tumbled Stone: Smoky Quartz provides energy that is invigorating, re-balancing, and protective. The grounding energy of Smoky Quartz facilitates the assimilation of spiritual information and enhances practicality and organization. The positive energetic vibration of Smoky quartz shields one against all types of stress. Smoky Quartz assists in tolerating difficult times with fortitude and grit. Smoky Quartz absorbs and recycles negative energies by grounding the energy back into the Earth reestablishing a healthy energy flow. Known as a “stone of cooperation,” Smoky Quartz aids in communication and clear thinking by purging the atmosphere of unspoken resentments or suppressed conflicts. Smoky Quartz relieves fear, lifts depression, and brings emotional calmness. Smoky Quartz is an excellent stone for manifestation and helps to bring one’s dreams and inspired ideas into physical reality.

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