A unique collection of Reiki attuned crystals ~ Smoky Quartz, Selenite, Rhodonite, and Pink Calcite, together create an energetic grid offering support and healing for personal growth due to the changes happening in our lives – spiritually, emotionally, and physically. With the intention of unconditional love and grace, these special stones offer their energy to transform your challenges into flowing opportunities. As one surrenders and releases outworn behaviors, dysfunctional relationships, and limiting viewpoints, these stones may offer to you a more intuitive sense of reality. These stones vibrate in harmony, allowing one to experience divine support and magic beyond personal expectations.
Surrender and Release crystal grid has been created with the combined energies of the following four crystals:
Smoky Quartz – Grounding and Assimilation
Rhodonite – Forgiveness
Selenite – Connection
Pink Calcite – Letting Go and Heart Healing
Surrender and Release Crystal Grid ~ 4 stones with pouch and original portal art description card $33.00
2.4oz / 67g