Nobody was saddened by the announcement
there has been a slight change and shortening of the course due to the recent
storm. We were bused to the new and improvised starting line for the day. The
day was picture perfect with nothing but blue skies as we headed toward the
trees :).
Looks like Montana?!?
Less than perfect was the state of
the big toe on my right foot. WTF. It had somehow gotten infected (can you say
river crossings and mud bogging through livestock runoff) and was now a
throbbing, gooey pus mess of a toe. I will spare you the photos. Earlier in the
morning, I had “hazmat” drained and taped my big toe so it was manageable and trek
able for the day. For an extra measure of protection and comfort, I created a pair of Reiki “shoes” and
energetically bubbled up my feet. This was our last day of big miles and I
wanted to enjoy the trees.
It happened sometime after we
passed this group of cows, I stubbed my toe. Yes, THAT toe. OMG. It F&*%cking hurt so bad, I cried. I
limped my way into the check point at the base of the forested steep incline. I
plopped down, briefly appreciated Frank Turner as the check point’s musical
selection, cried some more, got some love from the volunteers, and took my shoe
off. Thank you Dr. Julie for your medicinal magic on my big toe. Drained, taped
up, and with the suggestion of a prescription of antibiotics later at the camp medical
tent, I trekked onward and upwards through a magnificent forest of trees. YES!
We made it to the top of the big climb and headed down the
dirt track to the UNESCO Orkhon Valley and towards camp. Nothing but happiness
and relief as the last river crossing before camp was made via zodiac raft.
Follow me to the finish with Stage Six ~ The Final Footsteps to the Ancient City of Karakorum
For more stories about outside adventures, rock hounding, road trips, crystal information, and trekking on the trails please check out other postings on Raven's Blog