Gorgeous reflective rainbow filled sunny yellow Golden Citrine Quartz Crystal Double Terminated Wand from Brazil. Citrine energizes every level of life, a powerful cleanser and regenerator,
carrying the power of the sun, warming, energizing and highly creative. Citrine
absorbs, transmutes, dissipates and grounds negative energy. Citrine teaches
how to manifest and attract wealth and prosperity, success and all good things.
Citrine raises self esteem and confidence and removes destructive tendencies.
Citrine helps to stabilize the emotions, dissolve anger, and encourages a
bright outlook on life.
Terminated Quartz Crystals have points that radiate or absorb
energy at both ends simultaneously and effectively channeling energy in two
directions at once. Double Terminated Quartz Crystal is a stone of balance, as
it integrates spirit and matter providing a bridge between two energy points.
In healing, Double Terminated Quartz Crystal absorbs negative energy,
breaks old patterns, assists in over-coming addictions, or may be used to
integrate previously blocked parts of the self. When placed on the third
eye, double terminations may enhance telepathy.
In healing,
Citrine may help to stimulate digestion, the spleen, and the pancreas. Citrine
negates infections in the kidney and bladder, helps eye problems, increases
blood circulation, detoxifies the blood, activates the thymus and balances the
thyroid, and supports a healthy metabolism. Citrine relieves constipation.
Citrine may be supportive for those interested in weight loss and increased
energy for exercise. Citrine may be helpful for woman with menstrual problems
and menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, hormonal imbalance and fatigue.