Horse Totem Crystal Grid is a unique collection of Reiki attuned crystals: Horse Totem, Azurite, Double Terminated Chlorite Quartz, Aragonite, and Fire Quartz. These beautiful crystals are gathered creating an energetic grid offering support and healing for personal growth due to the changes happening in our lives on all levels spiritually, emotionally, and physically. With the intention of unconditional love, patience and discernment, these special stones offer their energy to transform your challenges into flowing opportunities. As your point of view shifts, these stones may offer you a more intuitive sense of reality. These stones vibrate in harmony, allowing one to discover and practice the balance between the spiritual and the mundane.
Horse crystal grid has been created with the combined energies of the following crystals:
Carved Horse Totem – personal power
Aragonite – grounding
Azurite – communication
DT Chlorite – connection and balance
Fire Quartz – energizing and motivating
Combined weight of stones 1.9oz/ 53g with pouch and art crystal description card $33.00
Carved bone Horse ~ Horse symbolizes power, travel, and freedom. Horses are thought to have physical unearthly power. Found in shamanic practices throughout the world, horse has enabled shamans to fly and reached the heaven. In understanding Horse, one must learn to strive for balance between personal freedom and relationships. Horse helps one understand that true power is wisdom found in remembering your total journey is about experiencing compassion, caring, teaching, and sharing your gifts, abilities, and LOVE. Horses do not like to be restrained or be constricted. Horse represents action and movement. Learn from the Horse to ride into new pathways to awaken and discover your own personal freedom and power.
Aragonite ~ Brown Aragonite is a grounding stone fostering patience and acceptance, encourages discipline, reliability, and a pragmatic approach to life. Aragonite centers and grounds physical energies so it may be useful in times of stress. Aragonite helps to lessen anger and emotional stress. Aragonite restores balance for meditation by raising vibrations to a high spiritual level and brings energy into the physical body. Aragonite stabilizes the base and earth chakras.
Azurite ~ Sparkly dark indigo blue guides psychic and intuitive development. Azurite cleanses and stimulates the third eye and attunes to spiritual guidance. Azurite facilitates entering a meditative and channeling state. Azurite brings about clear understanding and new perspective, releases long-standing blocks in communication and stimulates memory. Azurite also clears stress, worry, grief, sadness and transmutes fears and phobias. Azurite calms someone who talks too much out of nervousness or encourages someone who holds back from self-expression.
Double Terminated Chlorite Quartz is a powerful, positive healing crystal tool, beneficial to the environment and personal energy fields. Chlorite Quartz Crystal provides energetic connection, realignment, and balance. Chlorite supports heart healing and feelings of compassion and forgiveness as it releases negative and limiting actions brought about by frustration, envy, and resentment. Chlorite supports the investigation of these unwanted emotions so they may be released and replaced with positive feelings. Chlorite enhances cooperation and fosters an inclusive point of view – we are all in this together.
Natural translucent Fire Quartz Rough Crystal provides a beautiful dancing energy, which when activated, stimulates energy flow on all levels. Fire Quartz links the base and the heart chakras with the crown chakra, drawing physical and spiritual vitality into the body. Balancing the polarities and meridians in the body, Fire Quartz harmonizes energy with the subtle and physical nervous systems. Fire Quartz Crystal aids in the expression of universal love and acts as a bridge between the spiritual and physical worlds. Fire Quartz Crystal has been used to traverse the gap between the physical world and the spiritual world and may help one to understand transitions.