Blue Chalcedony Orca polished gallets with beautiful wispy grey and swirly creamy white patterned markings from Madagascar, Africa. With markings reminiscent of the Orca whale, these blue chalcedony polished gallets open the mind to assimilate new ideas and help acceptance of new situations. Blue Chalcedony imparts mental flexibility and verbal dexterity, enhancing listening skills and communication. Blue Chalcedony stimulates the ability to learn new languages, improves memory, and improves self-perception and the ability to look forward optimistically. Much like the Orca whale’s behavior, Blue Chalcedony Orca Stone supports family and community social interactions encouraging pod or group cohesiveness. Orca whales are found in all oceans and most seas: Blue Chalcedony Orca Stone resonates with those who travel, especially by water. Not interested in physical travel, this Orca Stone is a shaman's stone with the beautiful and interesting markings for Divination.
In healing, these medium sized polished Blue Chalcedony Orca polished stones would make excellent "hand comforters" to use in times of stress. Blue Chalcedony stimulates the flow of lymph and banishes edema, has an anti-inflammatory effect, and lowers temperature and blood pressure. Blue Chalcedony is helpful in healing the lungs and clears the respiratory systems of the effects of smoking. Blue Chalcedony Orca Stone is helpful for supporting the senses as it may improve eyesight, hearing, and touch.