Beautiful Black Coral from the Philippines. Black Coral is known
as a "stone” of regeneration and purification. Black Coral absorbs and
transforms negativity when worn, carried, taken as an elixir or placed in the
environment. Black Coral elevates creative forces and imparts
tranquility, dispels fear of darkness. Coral represents diplomacy and is said
to quiet the emotions bringing a sense of peace. Coral helps to both
understand and use the qualities of the mystic, as it facilitates intuition,
imagination and visualization. Coral facilitates the connection to past
spiritual masters and is helpful for the transfer of knowledge. In addition,
Coral has the qualities of Shell: Shell provides the home to many
small sea creatures. Shell may be used to stimulate intuition, sensitivity,
imagination and adaptability. Shell enhances mental
clarity, provides insight on which option is the correct choice during
periods of decision-making. Coral promotes cooperation and is an excellent
source for cohesive group energy.
In healing, Coral
may be used to strengthen both the circulatory system and the bones of the
body. Coral may be used to stimulate tissue regeneration of the skin and
elimination of toxins. Black Coral has been used to nourish the blood cells.
Coral may be considered for the treatment of disorders of the spinal canal, the
alimentary canal, the nervous system, and the thalamus.
.1oz+/ 3g+ 1.5"+/ 39mm+ 1 piece $1.50
View metaphysical properties and healing attributes
For more information ~ Black Crystals