Beautiful polished Black Tourmaline crystal gallets.
Black Tourmaline cleanses, purifies and transforms dense energy into
higher vibration, grounds spiritual energy. These Black Tourmaline eggs
are excellent crystal healing tools for use in time of challenge and uncertainty.
The shape and size of these Black Tourmaline crystal eggs make "hand
comforters" to hang onto in times of stress. Black Tourmaline clears and
balances all the chakras and forms protective shield around the
body. Black Tourmaline promotes feelings of self-confidence, diminishes
fear and feelings of victimization. Black Tourmaline resonates with transforming
energies and provides the energetic space for self-understanding. Black
crystals may help you identify and move through energetic blockages caused by
feelings of exhaustion, self-doubt, depression, inertia, helplessness, and
confusion. Black crystals, due to their low frequency vibrations, support the
understanding and importance of patience and perseverance, as we methodically
move through denser energetic states on our pathway of growth and life
experiences. Black Tourmaline clears the mind and creates clear rational
thinking processes and encourages a positive attitude and movement forward with
purpose. Black Tourmaline attracts inspirational thoughts and connections, compassion,
tolerance and prosperity. Black Tourmaline protects against EMF, cell phones,
electromagnetic smog, radiation, psychic attacks, and negative energies of all
In healing, Black Tourmaline may be helpful in strengthening
the immune system. Black Tourmaline may provide pain relief and realignment of
the spinal column. Black Tourmaline may also be helpful in the treatment of
dyslexia and other learning challenges.
1.9oz+ / 54g+ 2.2" x .5"+ / 57mm x 14mm+ 1 piece $10.00