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Barite Desert Rose Natural Mineral Clusters
Barite Desert Rose Natural Mineral Clusters

Barite Desert Rose Natural Mineral Clusters

Part Number:BDRNMC*091022
Your Price: $15.00


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Beautiful natural terracotta red colored Barite Desert Rose Mineral specimens from Mexico. Barite Desert Rose provides energetic connection and insight into the feelings of independence, motivation, and the expectations of others in terms of your relationships. The energies of the Barite Desert Rose may be used to enhance love, facilitate group meetings and to motivate collaboration and teamwork. Barite Desert Rose may be used for the renewal of intuitive energies and communication of new ideas and thoughts. Barite Desert Rose gives one the incentive to “go for it” and assists with the manifestation of making your dreams a physical reality. Barite Desert Rose assists one in detaching from old patterns while supporting and encouraging unconventional and exciting opportunities to attain one's goals. 

In healing, Barite Desert Rose may be used for removal of toxins from the body, stimulate vision, and for the support in the recovery of addictions. For those who are seeking insights and the release of trapped emotions, Barite Desert Rose is an excellent crystal tool for meditation bringing calm to your inner state and a heightened intuitive state. Barite Desert Rose is an excellent stone for use in healing the earth. 

4.9oz+ / 138g +      2"+ dia / 52mm + dia                $15.00 each

For more information ~ Red Crystals

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