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Red Phantom Quartz

CHAKRA(S): Past Life, Base, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, & Crown  

VIBRATION: Number 4   


ATTRIBUTES: Red Phantom Quartz crystals help to facilitate access to the Akashic records and in the recovery of repressed memories. Red Phantom Quartz crystals have inclusions of Hematite, Limonite and or Kaolinite. Red Phantom Quartz crystal accesses information for healing the physical body thru the etheric blueprint and may rearrange detrimental landscape patterns and remove negative entities.  Limonite is derived from the Greek "Leimons" meaning boggy meadow.  This crystal is grounding and provides protection during metaphysical activities, enhancing telepathy and facilitates inner-child healing with other stones.  Hematite may help to heal anger and residual hurt from previous lives.  Hematite provides protection during out-of-body journeying; protecting the soul and guiding it back into the body.  Red Phantom Quartz shuts down metaphysical awareness when worn on the right with right-handed people and allows metaphysical faculties to remain open when worn on the left.  Red Phantom Quartz crystal removes energy implants and heals the aura.  Red Phantom Quartz formed from Hematite overcomes existential despair and restores life force and vitality to the body.  It is a good talisman crystal for business, as Red Phantom Quartz crystal enhances financial security, induces perseverance, helps overcome frustration and knowledgeable earth-healers can stabilize the planet when using this crystal.      

HEALING: Red Phantom Quartz releases stress, heals the inner-child, boosts self-esteem, will power and is a master healer for any condition.  Red Phantom Quartz may be useful for healing old patterns and removing compulsions, addictions, over eating, smoking, over indulging, hysteria, and inflammation.   It is a good stone to hold for timid women.  Red Phantom Quartz supports formation of red blood cells, circulatory problems, Reynauds disease, anemia and may be used for energy enhancement.
