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Petrified Wood Polished Wand
Petrified Wood Polished Wand

Petrified Wood Polished Wand

Part Number:PWPW*062923
Your Price: $50.00


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Beautiful brick red, brown, and cream colored Petrified wood polished wand from Arizona, USA. Petrified wood helps one release all that no longer serves your best interests and helps transform past weaknesses into new strengths. Used for scanning the aura and the chakras to locate, cleanse and heal blockages, this petrified wood polished wand may be helpful with the removal of annoyances and to direct energies to peacefully eliminate the situation. The energies of Petrified wood facilitates the understanding of “change what you can and let go of the rest.” Petrified wood provides strength during spiritual growth and helps one advance to the highest level and understanding of purpose. Petrified Wood fosters strength in all areas of life and provides grounding. Petrified wood also helps to understand the history and underlying causes of dis-ease so one may learn lessons not to be repeated. 

In healing, Petrified wood has been used in treatment of atrophied muscles and paralysis. Petrified wood has been used to strengthen the back and align the skeletal structure. Petrified wood may be helpful for balance as it aligns the feet and creates an even gait when walking. Petrified wood may be used in the treatment of hearing loss and incontinence. Petrified wood is a good healing support and provides balancing energy for the liver and gallbladder. 

8.7oz/ 469g              5.2" x 1.4" / 134mm x 35mm            $50.00

For more information ~ Petrified Wood and Crystal Wands

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