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Gear Check |Salomon Trail Shoes

Posted by Raven Crystals on 2/7/2018 to Raven Crystals Blog Home Page
Gear Check |Salomon Trail Shoes

I don’t consider myself a shoe girl. I don’t own a bunch of shoes (why buy shoes when there are crystals…)

 Note this is NOT a picture of my shoe closet! 

My footwear reality is more like this:

 2 pairs of Converse – 1 hot pink and 1 turquoise

Cheapie flip flops in a variety of colors – new batch every summer

A pair of black boots my daughter gave me

My warm fuzzy slippers

Several pairs of sandals and some dressy shoes

A pair of vintage black patent leather stiletto CFMs and a pair of Merrill Hiking boots.

All jumbled and shoved into my shoe drawer (gasp!)

 Raven Crystals Shoe Suggestions

However, I confess that I do own some shoe gear. Laying around my room, and in constant rotation, are my 2 pairs of Asics running shoes and 3 pairs of Salomon Trail Running Shoes. These shoes never make it into the shoe drawer. 

 Solomon Shoes

 “Give a girl the right shoes, and she can conquer the world.” Marilyn Monroe

My favorite shoe is the Salomon X Mission 3. Salomon shoes since Day #1. Salomon is the foot gear that launched my adventuresome soul out the door and on the trails.

March 2016 ~ As a birthday present to myself and in celebration of a finally healed Piriformis (thank you YOGA) I started running again. Running the streets and horse paths around the neighborhood, ever so gently at first and then over the months started to actually accumulate some mileage and level of fitness. Yoga was involved. That was part of the deal I made with my body. Running = yoga. Half hour. That’s it. And I actually do it. Yoga has literally saved my ass every time. And my hamstrings, and my lower back, and strengthens my core……etc. Slight increase in mileage every week. And the weeks turned into months. 

August 2016 ~ There are a ton of amazing trails in the Los Angeles area. I knew a few trails from my days of living in Topanga Canyon but not many others. Not really a confident outside person, and a tad bit scared of snakes, I didn’t feel comfortable to check out the trails by myself. Hmmmmm. I began to wonder if there was a trail running group in the area so I could connect with other runners and learn about some of the trails in the local foothills. And just like that, I was provided my answer – why yes there is! REI had just opened a new store close by and offered a run club that ran the local trails on the weekends. Signed myself right up!

We met on a Sunday morning at Tapia Park located in Malibu Creek Park. This was my introduction to the wonderful world of trail running and a whole slew of amazing adventurers and trail blazers.

Malibu Creek

I met new running friends, heard trail stories, learned new lingo, and experienced all sorts of trail conditions: Single track, fire road, “technical” trail, snake on trail, and what is known as a “climb” or “gain.” 

Tapia Park Trail

Please….whatever you call it the trail went UP and UP.

Tapia Park Trail

The run was an out and back. We made it to the top of a ridge and the scenery was spectacular.

Views of Malibu Creek State Park on one side of the ridge

Malibu Creek State Park

 and the Pacific Ocean and beyond on the other side. Inspiring to say the least.

Pacific Ocean

Afterwards there was a pot luck. Everybody gathered, snacked, and spoke of distances accomplished, training goals, and of course, gear. 
Everybody seemed excited about Salomon being at the pot luck.

REI Run Club

I wondered who Salomon was? I turned to a runner and asked if he was Salomon. Ooooohhhhh. Big learning curve. Note to self. Salomon was a shoe company. HA! On my way home from the run, I stopped by REI, geared up, and bought my first pair of Salomon X Mission 3's. 

Kick Ass Shoes

I have been on the trail ever since ramping up my mileage, skills, and adventure level.  Interested in reading more about my trail gear experiences, awesome hiking trailsmy Grand Canyon adventuresrock hounding adventures, road trips, and my upcoming  multi-day ultramarathon stage race in Mongolia (July 2018), please check out postings on Raven's Blog.

Follow your heart

"Let your dreams outgrow the shoes of your expectations." 
 Ryunosuke Satoro
