Fossils may serve as a reminder of mortality and the cycle of life. Fossils are the result when diverse, complex organic matter has been geo historically preserved and impressed in matrix such as limestone or shale. Fossils are created when organic matter, such as bone, shell, plants, fish, wood, are transformed through decomposition leaving only the hard bits left in the surrounding material or as calcified shell remains. Buried in layers of sediment, organic matter is compressed into stone through elemental forces – time, weather, and geologic pressure. Fossils represent time, eternity and evolution. Fossils are excellent energetic healing tools for working through past life situations and releasing the "whatever" that is no longer serving you and your higher purpose in life.
Fossils may be used to enhance telepathy and stimulate the mind. Fossils have been used as elemental power tools throughout the world to amplify energy and to enhance clairvoyant ability, astral travel, and journeying. Fossils may also be helpful in keeping one grounded, aiding in stability and physical stamina. Fossils energetically support an increase in vitality and life span by reducing toxins, anxiety, and stress while balancing the emotions. Fossils have a very calming and soothing energy promoting feelings of tranquility, contentment and comfort.

Fossils may assist one in business endeavors. Fossils help with manifesting accomplishments in business, communication and in the development of new ideas and strategies. Fossils increase the feelings of self-confidence and success. Fossils help us release old paradigms and create the foundation for change.

In healing, fossils may be helpful in assisting with curing diseases and aliments of the bones, skeletal system, hands and feet. Fossils vibrate to the number 8 and energetically aligns with the astrological sign of Virgo.