Crystal Suggestions for healing
When faced with creative blocks it’s important to get the energy flowing and keep your eye on the prize. Crystals such as Amethyst, Orange Calcite, Carnelian and Chrysocolla are especially helpful.
Crystal healing suggestions to support and help with issues regarding situations of Abuse
Crystal healing suggestions for aches and pains
Crystal healing suggestions for issues of acidity
Crystal healing suggestions for issues with acne
Crystal healing suggestions for support and healing from issues of Addiction
Crystal healing suggestions to support and help with appendicitis related health challenges
Crystal healing suggestions to help create Abundance in life
Crystal healing suggestions to support and help with Angina and other heart related health challenges
Crystal healing suggestions to support and help with issues with the AIDS virus
Crystal healing suggestions to support and help with issues when dealing with Allergies
Crystal healing suggestions to support and help in situations of Altitude Sickness
Crystal healing suggestions to support and help with issues regarding situations of Alzheimer's Disease.
Crystal healing suggestions to support and help with ambulatory situations
Crystal healing suggestions for support and help as an Aphrodisiac
Crystal healing suggestions to support and help with Anemia and other blood related health challenges
Crystal healing suggestions to support and help with feelings of anger and anger related issues
Crystal healing suggestions to support and help with Anorexia and other eating related health challenges
Crystal healing suggestions to support and help with anti-inflammatory healing situations
Crystal healing suggestions to support and help in anti-poison and/or anti-toxin healing situations
Crystal healing suggestions to support and help with Anxiety and stressful situations.
Crystal healing suggestions to support and help with issues regarding relationships and situations of Alcoholism.
Crystal suggestions for support and healing of the Adrenal Glands
Crystal suggestions to support and help facilitate contact with Angels and the angelic realm
Confidence in oneself is a reflection of a strong belief in one's own inherent worth and ability to overcome challenges. By radiating confidence, we can manifest our intentions and bring our dreams into reality.