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Thousand Eye Jasper Polished Sphere
Thousand Eye Jasper Polished Sphere

Thousand Eye Jasper Polished Sphere

Part Number:TEJPS*052924
Your Price: $100.00


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Beautiful dynamic optical shaped patterns of white and grey colored Thousand Eye Jasper polished sphere. The elemental gray and white colors of minerals and fossilized shell of Thousand Eye Jasper are energetically grounding and calming. Also referred to as Zebra Marble, Shell Jasper, or Clam Jasper, Thousand Eye Jasper is a beautiful marble composite specimen with the remains of fossilized oyster shell encased in a mineral matrix. The grey and white markings and colors on this Thousand Eye Jasper Crystal ball would make it an excellent tool for divination. Moving energy through time, Thousand Eye Jasper Crystal balls may enable one to see circumstances from a different perspective releasing fears associated with the unknown. Fossils enhance telepathy and stimulate the mind. Fossils are used as energetic power tools by healers to amplify vibrations and to enhance clairvoyant ability, astral travel, and journeying. Thousand Eye jasper enhances the ability to gather the community and family together with focused and clear communication of ideas and purpose. Thousand Eye jasper energetically supports balance in life when dealing with unexpected upheavals or because of the long-term accumulation of circumstances. Thousand Eye jasper energetically helps to banish skepticism and defeats negativity with ease. Thousand Eye jasper resonates with nurturing vibration aiding in clarification and the clearing of unwanted emotional issues and outworn behavioral patterns. The grounding energies of Thousand Eye jasper provides the strength and resources needed to handle any situation. When you are energetically grounded, decisions are more easily made, worries about the future are released, and the enjoyment and magic of the present moment are experienced with a sense of clarity. Offering comfort and nurturing energy, Thousand Eye jasper reminds us to be intentional with our actions and thoughts.

15.4oz / 438g               2.6" dia / 66mm dia    with stand             $100.00


For more information ~ Crystal Spheres

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